Friday, December 15, 2006

Some Tennis Elbow Problems? Try this!

Lie down on your stomach with your hands under your body and palms facing the floor.

Lift one of your legs and hold it for 20 seconds. Switch leg and hold for 20 seconds too.

Now Lift both legs and hold them for 20 seconds.

Repeat twice!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Health is a Verb!

Thanks to Joe Sarti for sharing this cool website to make your own motivational posters!

Taking it easy!

I have been training very easy... talking about weight. I am training for active recovery and into increase my GPP (full body conditioning).

I did today:

4 Sets

A-1 Medicine Ball (50lb) Shouldering Squat 5R + 5L
A-2 Alternating KB (12k) Renegade Row 5R + 5L
A-3 Rope Waves 20

4 Sets

B-1 Single KB Over Head Dynamic Lunge (12k) 10R + 10L
B-2 KB Bent Over Row (12k) 6R + 6L
B-3 KB Standing Over Head Triceps 10
B-4 Medicine Ball Slams 20

I started with some Joint Mobility and I finished with some stretching exercises.

It was great! and I had a good time!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Naked Warrior Workshop

Franz, Ken Black and I had the honor helping at the NW workshop last weekend.

I don't have words to describe how amazing the workshop is. I feel very sorry for all you that weren't there, so please do not miss the next one.

Pavel and Steve Maxwell are the most perfect teachers. They are full of knowledge and expertise. I left with ALOT material that I can inmediately use in my personal and clients fitness goals.

The 5 minute workout that Steve and Pavel put together for Sara and I was enough to make my body be very sore today :) Yes, it was only for 5 minutes!

I am positive that the Naked Warrior Workshop will make
you look better when you are naked :)

An A+ to Dragon Door Family. I feel very privelaged to be part of it!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Training my Mom!

Today I had the privilege of training my Mom!

She is 73 years old and Mother of 7 children. I am the baby :)

Her first appointment was last Friday. I was waiting for her.... She never show up :( Why? I never really knew why. She gave me many different reasons.... or maybe I should say, many different excuses.

After all, she decided to re-schedule her training session. I couldn't believe it, she wasn't going to show up again! but she felt pretty bad, so she decided to come to workout. She was very late but she came :)

This is her Program A:

Step Ups 2 x 6/6
Cable Woodchops 2 x 10/10
Swiss Ball DB Bench Press 2 x 10

KB Deadlift 2 x 6
Cable Pull 2 x 10/10
Swiss Ball Forward Ball Roll 2 x 6

She did great! and we had an amazing time together!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Use it or lose it!

A couple months ago I was capable of pressing the 24kg Kettlebell.

I have been training light since then because I was overtrained from two years of heavy lifting.:(

Last week I attempted to press the 24kg and I could not do it. Mentally I knew I could do it but my body couldn't do it.

Franz suggested to me to remove my shoes and perform a couple single leg deadlifts and a snatch of the 24 kg into an eccentric military press. I rested a few minutes and I tried again!

Bingo!!!! I could press my 24kg Kettlebell again!:)

Be careful.... If you don't use it you will lose it!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Ultimate Fitness Program!

I am very excited to announce the release of the Revolution Kettlebell Fat Loss Program DVDs.

Volume One: Instructional and Basic Routines and Volume Two: Intermediate and Advanced Routines offer you the opportunity to workout from the comfort of your home, office or whatever you are.

We guarantee you the formula to attack your fat from every angle and share with you the same secrets we have used so successfully with our clients.

"Prior to trying Revolution Program, I had belonged to gyms and had worked out on occasion but could just not connect with any workout program. Then I met Revolution Fitness. What they do has been beyond motivating. They always keep the workouts interesting, and continually pushing me to work harder.

I haven’t found a program as this one.

Now I feel so happy and great about myself. I don’t have words to describe as good and amazing it is!

This program definitely work! "

~ Carmen Morales ~

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Tempo Running Helps!

Lately I have been going to the track to do some tempo running. Today was so beautiful that I decided to run a little longer and enjoy nature. I ran a 3 miles route (That I have ran for the last couple years) and something very interesting happened this time. It was easier to do it! I think a long break from long distance running and doing some tempo training at the track helped me to improve my jogging.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

One less excuse

I have heard so many times millions of excuses on why to not work out and one of the most common is:

I haven't worked out because I have been traveling alot!!!

I haven't understood what it means, so I decided to dedicate my weekly fitness television segment to "how keep fit when we are traveling"


- Don't ask or accept help to move your suitcases. Why? You can do it! so colaborate doing this and also help others to move their bags :)
- When you are waiting for a friend or taxi to take you to the airport perform some movements with your suitcases, such as presses, suitcase deadlifts, farmer's walks....
- At the airport or on a cruise use the stairs every opportunity you have. Avoid elevators and automatic stairs. Also while you are waiting to catch your plane, go up and down the stairs as many times as you can. Maybe in the begining people are going to believe you forgot something, after a couple times you have gone up and down the stairs they may think you are crazy :) after a few times doing it they will say to themselves that you are cool, smart and they may join you :)

It is very simple to do and the results are amazing! Give it a try!

Life is energy, so if you want to feel alive keep yourself moving!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Great Vacation Time! = Great Workout!

We went on a great Caribbean cruise with all my family (over 20 members) all athletes, so you can understand what a fantastic time we had.

I love vacation time...Who doesn't :) It is the best time for me to take care of my nutrition and exercise program.

The cruise had so much food and the crew's primary job was to make us gain weight :) so I decided to use the stairs every single day and visit the gym daily to perform some tempo running.

Tempo Running
3 minutes walking (warm up)
45 seconds sprinting
90 seconds walking
45 seconds sprinting
90 seconds walking........... Until complete 10 to 14 Sprints
5 minutes walking (cool down)

One day we did a competition to sprint from the 1st to the 10th floor of the boat x 2 times. Wow!!!! I couldn't believe how sore my abs and legs were after it!

By the way.... I did not gain any weight :)

Thursday, July 06, 2006

More Fun at the Track!

More Tempo Workout but NOW 8 x 150 meters. Wow!!! It was great!

Warm up: 15-20 minutes. It included sprinting technique drills! After it I did 8 x 150 meters.

I ran them at 70% of my capacity and every 150 meters I did a different bodyweight movement:

30 Jumping jacks
150 meters
10 Push Ups
150 meters
60 Shuffles
150 meters
10 Fisted Push Ups
150 meters
3 Twisters
150 meters
10 Push Ups
150 meters
20 Jumping Lunges
150 meters
10 Fisted Push Ups
150 meters
30 Jumping Jacks

I loved it!!!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Light and easy workout but the right program for now!

5x5 Workout

Step Ups (12kg KBs)
Alternating Military Press (12kg KBs)

Front Squat (12kg KBs)
BW Pull Ups

It was very easy but It was the right program at this time!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Having Fun at the Track!

I decided to do some Tempo Run that Franz taught me.

I had a very nice 15-20 minute warm up! It included sprinting technique drills!

After the warm up I did 10 x 100 meters. I ran them at 70% of my capacity and every 100 meter I did a different bodyweight movement:

30 Jumping Jacks
100 meters 70% run
10 Push Ups
100 meter 70% run
60 Shuffles
100 meters 70% run
10 Fisted Push Ups
100 meters 70% run
3 Twisters
100 meters 70% run
10 Push Ups
100 meters 70% run
20 Jumping Lunges
100 meters 70% run
10 Fisted Push Ups
100 meters 70% run
30 Jumping Jacks
100 meters 70% run
10 Push Ups
100 meters 70% run
60 Shuffles

It was really hot but I loved it!!!!
I am a Caribbean girl :)

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

3-Day Detox

I just finished the Jay Robb Fruit Flush 3-Day Detox.
The first day was based on drinking 5 meals of 6oz of water with 24grams of whey protein podwer every 2 hours. The 6th meal was protein and alot vegetables and salad.
The second and third day were based on eating 5 meals of fresh fruit every 2 hours and the 6th meal I had protein and alot of vegetables and salad.
I got a little headache the first day and I missed my regular morning coffee :) The second and thirth day weren't too bad. Maybe alittle weak.
It was great and I am glad I did!
I did this Detox to re-gain some health and to just feel better. It worked!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Getting Slowly Back to my Training

After conversations with my husband/coach Franz and another great trainer Aaron Wilson, we figured out that I may have Adrenal Fatigue. I have read about it and feel that I experience 98% of the most common symptoms of the AF.
Anyway I went to see a specialist on breathing problems. He found I was in pretty good shape but he wanted to put me on some medications to prevent the breathing troubles I have had.
I told the doctor the type of workouts I have been doing for he last 1.5 years, poor sleep and stress but he didn't give it too much importance. I told him I feel exausted all the time but he didn't give it too much importance either......???? because of my persistence he let me have some Lab tests to find out what else is going on.
Well I left from his office alittle more calm because I could know that my breathing system and heart are working right. :)
Because of this health challenge I've decided to rest more, sleep more, and do my best without killing myself.
...... and let me tell you that I can still press and pistol the 24kg kettlebell without any problem :)

Friday, June 02, 2006

Lifting again!

After my visit to the emergency room I hadn't lifted weight for two weeks. I have felt weak and tired so I have chosen to walk and enjoy more time with Rex and Chewbaca (My baby dogs). Well I thought it was time to workout with some bells.

10 minutes workout
Double KBs Press 5 reps (12 kg)
Swing 10 reps (16 kg)

10 minutes workout
Renegade Row 5 reps each side (12 kg)
Snatch 5 reps each side (16 kg)

10 minutes workout
Single Leg Deadlift 5 reps each side (16 kg)
Rope Waves 20 reps

I felt pretty good. I did not have problems with my breathing but I felt like I was training using the 20 kg kettlebells :(

Monday, May 29, 2006

I was pressed by Martin Farrell

Martin was visiting San Diego to compete in the NAKF Nationals. He stoped by Revolution the day before the competition to meet us and see the toys we have here. I know it was hard for him to not touch the beast, the heavy kegs, tires and more :) but he needed to save his energy for the competition. After he came by not only to play with the toys, he came to "Press Me".

Wow!!! He is very strong!!! and a very nice person.

Martin.... it was very nice to meet you!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

A wake up call!

I had the honor to assist at the Mike Mahler and Pavel workshop this past weekend in Los Angeles. These teachers are AMAZING! They make everything very simple to understand and the information is easy to apply . It was such a GREAT experience!
Going to the workshop was a honor, amazing and great but it was also meant to be. I think I needed a wake up call to balance my life. It is very ironic but they talked about balacing life to get results. I have around 10 months training hard and heavy, lack of sleep and trying to do things that would normally take one month and complete them in one day. Well the day came.... I was sleeping and woke up at 2am with a very difficult time breathing. I tried to calm down and after waiting 30 minutes to get better my flaco bello "Franz" couldn't see me like that and he took me to the emergy room..... Great!!!! my breathing came back to normal. Now I am under medication and balancing my life. I need to apply to my own life what I teach every day to my clients.


(Sorry for the lack of updates. I didn't know that I have some fans)

Saturday, April 29, 2006

My days of absence from my blog!

I am sorry that I haven't posted what has been happening lately.... We have been very busy taking care of the last details of the "Revolution Kettlebell Fat Loss Program". I am so in LOVE with this book! I know it will help alot of people to learn about theirself and how to be in shape for the rest of their life! It will be on the market in about a week.
My exercise and nutrition program are doing great!.... Training with Kettlebells and Odd Lift, eating clean and once a week having my lovely Ice Cream. My body fat is coming down. The scale doesn't say too much but I feel pretty good.
I have been training Michelle Hackett to compete in the TSC. Wow!!! She is strong!!! Yesterday I decided to test her deadlift and it is so hard for me to not get excited, so I wanted to test myself. I was so impresed that I could lift more than my last TSC competition. My new PR is 240. No problem!!!!
I heard that maybe there is going to be a "Beast Challege" for girls. I look forward to finding out what weight will be used. I have already started to train for it! :)

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

A few days of my weight loss program!

My goal is to be under 110 pounds and be capable to still Snatch, Jerk, Clean, Deadlift.... etc.... heavy weights ;)

Saturday April 1, 35 minute run

Sunday April 2, 40 minute power walk

Monday April 3, Franz's Kettlebell Class:

3x5 High Pull (R) 20 kg
3x5 High Pull (L) 20 kg
3x20 seconds Power Rope
3x5 Clean (R) 20 kg
3x5 Clean (L) 20 kg
3x15 seconds Power Rope
3x5 Snatch (R) 20 kg
3x5 Snatch (L) 20 kg
3x10 seconds Power Rope

2x5 Single Leg Deadlift (R) 20/20 kg
2x5 Single Leg Deadlift (L) 20/20 kg
2x3 Single Military Press (R) 20 kg
2x3 Single Military Press (L) 20 kg
2x2 Turkish Get Up (R) 16 kg
2x2 Turkish Get Up (L) 16 kg

I loved it!!! It was really fun!!!
Tuesday April 4, 30 minute run ~ At the 15 minute mark I increased the pace because it started raining outside..... It was cool and very refreshing :)

My nutrition is based on eating 5 meals per day every 3 hours.


1: Oatmeal with some pieces of Mango
2: 1/2 Protein Bar
3: Chiken Salad
4: Strawberries Protein Shake
5: Chicken, Vegetable, Some Rice

No less than 2 liters of water.
2-3 Coffee......Mmmmm.... I can not miss my coffee!

I will check what the scale says every week.

Comments?.... Thoughts?

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


My Training, Strategy and Results..............Coming soon!!!! :)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Geoff request!


Here is the picture snatching the 24kg.

Thanks to your request I got excited to lift heavier kettlebells and I jerked the 28kg. :)

It was really "fun"!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Deadlifting Experience

I tested my deadlift last Friday after taking a couple months off.

To my surprise I was able to pull 230.
Now I realize that it is not too smart to test a movement that I have not been doing but I just had to know if I still had the strength. Luckily it is still there ;-)

Right now I am on a weight loss nutrition and exercise program.
My only concern is what will my strength levels be at a much lighter body weight? This is the only thing that worries me.

Who says you can not have your cake and eat it too?

I will keep everyone posted on the results of my weight loss program.

Until the next time!



Monday, March 13, 2006

Welcome to my Blog!

I am very excited with the starting of this Blog! I plan on sharing aspects of my training, business and my life with you!

My prayer is that this information will encourage you to achieve your health and fitness goals, and it will give you great tips.

Hopefully you will be able to learn from my mistakes and my successes!

Please feel free to post comments with any thoughts, opinions or insights.

All Best,
