Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Deadlifting Experience

I tested my deadlift last Friday after taking a couple months off.

To my surprise I was able to pull 230.
Now I realize that it is not too smart to test a movement that I have not been doing but I just had to know if I still had the strength. Luckily it is still there ;-)

Right now I am on a weight loss nutrition and exercise program.
My only concern is what will my strength levels be at a much lighter body weight? This is the only thing that worries me.

Who says you can not have your cake and eat it too?

I will keep everyone posted on the results of my weight loss program.

Until the next time!




Mark Reifkind said...

where can you lose weight from?

Yoana Teran Snideman said...

My weight is 115 - 117 pounds right now.

I would love to be no higher than 110.

Under 110 I think I will lose bodyfat and some muscles too :(