I have pretty much been using the 12 kg Kettlebells in my routines during my pregnancy. (I am 8 months)
Even though I had a hard night... trying to get used to this big belly :) I felt that I wanted to try something a little heavier. I introduced the 16 kg in a couple exercises of my routine today.
I felt great!
Part One
* First and Second Set:
6/6 Step Ups 12 kg KB
5/5 Renegade Rows 12 kg KBs
20 Swings 16 kg KB
* Third Set:
6/6 Step Ups 16 kg KB
5/5 Renegade Row 12 kg KBs
20 Swings 16 Kg KB
Part Two
6 Double KB Clean + Squat + Press 12 kg KBs x 4 Sets
Part Three
6/6 Snatch 16 kg KB x 5 Sets