Monday, March 12, 2007

Great Class at the Track

This last Saturday we decided to teach the regular 8:30am class at the track.
I am usually the one who teaches the class but I dedicated the hour to take pictures :) as Franz was taking the victims... Ooops,... the clients through a great workout!

30 Minutes Warm up + Track Drills
4 x 20 yard sprints
4 x 40 yard sprints
100 yards of Bear Walks + Walking Lunges (switching every 20 yards)
Cone Box drills
Counder clockwise x 3
Clockwise x 3
Explosive MB Squat Push 8
Explosive MB Back Toss 8
Plyo Squat hops up the Stadiums 5 Times

This is Lisa. She is 6 months pregnant. Nothing stops her from working out. She is definately an inspiration to every woman.

Laney & Kristee.
Sisters, professionals, Moms and
both are in great shape!

Rich & Dawn! They are the inseparable couple.

I always have to push my clients to keep their routine. I do the opposite with Michael, 57 year old.

Great Job Guys!!!


Mark Reifkind said...

great update Yoana excellent photos and some serious clients! they are lucky to have you guys.

Tracy Reifkind said...

Great pics, awesome looking day!

Seriously committed clients!