Saturday, April 29, 2006

My days of absence from my blog!

I am sorry that I haven't posted what has been happening lately.... We have been very busy taking care of the last details of the "Revolution Kettlebell Fat Loss Program". I am so in LOVE with this book! I know it will help alot of people to learn about theirself and how to be in shape for the rest of their life! It will be on the market in about a week.
My exercise and nutrition program are doing great!.... Training with Kettlebells and Odd Lift, eating clean and once a week having my lovely Ice Cream. My body fat is coming down. The scale doesn't say too much but I feel pretty good.
I have been training Michelle Hackett to compete in the TSC. Wow!!! She is strong!!! Yesterday I decided to test her deadlift and it is so hard for me to not get excited, so I wanted to test myself. I was so impresed that I could lift more than my last TSC competition. My new PR is 240. No problem!!!!
I heard that maybe there is going to be a "Beast Challege" for girls. I look forward to finding out what weight will be used. I have already started to train for it! :)

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

A few days of my weight loss program!

My goal is to be under 110 pounds and be capable to still Snatch, Jerk, Clean, Deadlift.... etc.... heavy weights ;)

Saturday April 1, 35 minute run

Sunday April 2, 40 minute power walk

Monday April 3, Franz's Kettlebell Class:

3x5 High Pull (R) 20 kg
3x5 High Pull (L) 20 kg
3x20 seconds Power Rope
3x5 Clean (R) 20 kg
3x5 Clean (L) 20 kg
3x15 seconds Power Rope
3x5 Snatch (R) 20 kg
3x5 Snatch (L) 20 kg
3x10 seconds Power Rope

2x5 Single Leg Deadlift (R) 20/20 kg
2x5 Single Leg Deadlift (L) 20/20 kg
2x3 Single Military Press (R) 20 kg
2x3 Single Military Press (L) 20 kg
2x2 Turkish Get Up (R) 16 kg
2x2 Turkish Get Up (L) 16 kg

I loved it!!! It was really fun!!!
Tuesday April 4, 30 minute run ~ At the 15 minute mark I increased the pace because it started raining outside..... It was cool and very refreshing :)

My nutrition is based on eating 5 meals per day every 3 hours.


1: Oatmeal with some pieces of Mango
2: 1/2 Protein Bar
3: Chiken Salad
4: Strawberries Protein Shake
5: Chicken, Vegetable, Some Rice

No less than 2 liters of water.
2-3 Coffee......Mmmmm.... I can not miss my coffee!

I will check what the scale says every week.

Comments?.... Thoughts?