I trained during my "entire" pregnancy and I am soooo happy I did because I had an amazing connection with Marianna. I can see how healthy and strong she already is!
Healthy Babies start with a Healthy Mom!!
Franz and I have been in the health and fitness industry our whole life and we want to expose Marianna to the best.
Because of that we took the decision to register her in swimming lessons as soon as it was possible. Yesterday she started an incredible swimming program, The Infant Swimming Resource (ISR).
ISR is a nationally recognized program that offers highly specialized private certified instruction for 6 months of age and up.
The idea behind Infant Swimming Resource (ISR) was born in 1966 when its founder, Dr. Harvey Barnett, was just 18 years old. As an active lifeguard with a passion for water safety, Barnett witnessed the tragic aftermath when a neighbor child drowned. At that moment, he vowed to do everything possible to ensure not one more child drowns.
ISR is a truly comprehensive infant swimming education and self-rescue skill instruction method that is well established in the fields of health care, psychology/behavioral sciences, anatomy and physiology.
Today was her second swimming session. Each lesson is for 10 minutes every day. The program could last between 3 to 8 weeks. Marianna is already doing great!!!! and her trainer couldn't be better. Bill Barham, a ISR Certified Instructor really knows his stuff.
Swimming improves babies and children’s development – physical, intelligence, language, emotional and social. Starting to swim early can help babies avoid traumatic experiences that some children go through when learning to swim. It familiarizes children with deep water and gives them the confidence to swim below the water level.