Monday, October 06, 2008

New DVD Workout!!!

"Quick Results Kettlebell workout with Franz and Yoana Snideman is an excellent workout DVD. It is well put together from start to finish. The DVD offers viewers an intense kettlebell workout set to a majestic California beach setting. Exercises exhibited from multiple angles simultaneously on the screen are a unique and powerful approach to workout DVDs"

Matt Shaffer
Post 16 Productions

If you are too busy and don’t have enough time to train, this new workout video is for you!

Easy to follow and designed to boost your endurance,strength and cardio conditioning;

ALL at once!
Delivery day starts October 15

The DVD also includes an incredible and unique segment on “Staying Fit with Kettlebells during pregnancy”. We share what we did when we were expecting our baby Marianna!


Nikki Shlosser said...

Congrats, you guys!!
Including a pregnancy segment is brilliant, bravo.

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