Saturday, March 24, 2007

New Latin/American Girl!

I am soooooooooo happy to be an American.

The ceremony was BEAUTIFUL.... from 1525 new americans I was the only one that got flowers :) Franz took care of all details :)

The process was very fast and simple. This country really works!

The reading, writting and verbal questions were interesting.

I bet that I know more US history than some of you :)

We celebrated the occasion by having a fun get together at Revolution friday night.


Yoana (The New Latin/American girl)


Ken Black said...

Congrats Yoana. Good for you:)

Tracy Reifkind said...

Congratulations Yoanna!

Anonymous said...

YAY FOR YOU!!!!! Congrats Yoanna!

Authentic Strength Training said...


It warms my heart to see soemone getting excited over acheiving citizenship. You are an inspiration. I hope you and your family fullfil all your dreams here in the Sates.

Semper Fi,
Will Williams